Video ingest

inflo was born to record high value production video from live feeds. This is perfect for live news, live broadcasting from parliaments, courts and theatrical venues. We record and store the video in the format that works best for you. From small file sizes from formats like MP4 through to full production quality DNxHD or Apple ProRes.

Content store and browse

inflo allows you to access your video content through a standard web browser. You can then present this to as many or as few people as you choose. We make it possible to collaborate with others by allowing comments to be saved within the metadata associated with the video asset, and when you want a copy you simply export in high or low resolution to save the media to your local machine.

Recording made easy

We are compatible with a range of video cards allowing you to choose what you need. We can also cater for just a few channels or as many as you need. Our ingest page will stream a low latency live preview of the content to your browser making it easy to check what’s going on from anywhere on the network.

How do I find it

As inflo automatically records we can use a pre-determined file naming convention that you choose because we allow you to define how the files are named on the settings page. We then present a range of search filters to help you locate that content that you need and we can also display your results in mosaic or list views. You can tag your content to help with the search process

Archives come alive

If you are using an existing platform that doesn’t make it easy to export your files don’t worry. We have extensive professional services that can help get your files out of data jail and into the inflo open and accessible web based platform. Ask us today how we would migrate your data into inflo.

Legacy content import

If you’ve been producing content for a while now then there is a good chance you have a substantial library of content already. inflo allows you to import this content into the database through a very simple to use import tool. The import tool associates the content with the inflo database so we don’t need to move your existing files which makes the process faster and less disruptive. We generate a proxy, thumbnail and then you’re ready to go with all your media in one place.

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seeing is believing and maybe you’ve got some special requests which we love to hear about